Medical Adhesive

When it heals right … it's SkinStitch!

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SkinStitch has been leaving LESS of a mark on patients for more than 20 years!

At SkinStitch, we measure our success on what we DON'T leave behind!

Our world-class medical skin adhesive is just the tool you need to leave a lasting impression on your patients … not a mark!

Be remembered for what you DON'T leave behind! When used properly, our medical adhesive DRAMATICALLY reduces scarring for your patients. SkinStitch Medical Adhesive also reduces the ANXIETY your patients experience with standard sutures.
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SkinStitch Medical Skin Adhesive leaves no residue or harmful toxic components on your patients. It's the perfect liquid stitch for skin

Our n-butyl adhesive is essentially inert once dry and degrades slowly over several days to insure a strong, cohesive healing process for your patients injury.

Easy to Manipulate

SkinStitch Medical Skin Adhesive makes the most of your medical expertise. Our patented "hockey-stick" design allows you ultimate control during the application process.

Our high quality adhesive interacts immediately with the tissue to form a strong, painless bond for your patient.

The SkinStitch® product line is a cyanoacrylate based skin adhesives exclusively marketed by SkinStitch®

SkinStitch® Tissue Adhesive products are U.S. FDA 510K approved and have been manufactured and marketed for more than 22 years.

SkinStitch® Tissue Adhesive may be used in place of sutures or staples to close wounds in conjunction with deep dermal stitches.

SkinStitch® Tissue Adhesive also acts as a microbial barrier to protect wounds from infection.

SkinStitch® Tissue Adhesive may also be used to close wounds more than 3 inches in length.

Applicator Advantages

For more than 20 years SkinStitch® has provided our world-class adhesive to medical professionals all over the world.

Here are just a few of our advantages:

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0.2 mL Package

(Sterile, US FDA Approved)
10 count/12 count/Single count
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0.5 mL Package

(Sterile, US FDA Approved)
10 count/12 count/Single count
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0.5 mL Package

(Sterile, US FDA Approved)
10 count/12 count/Single count

Coming Soon

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Our next generation delivery system. Offering more versatility in extreme environments.
• Outstanding tensile strength
• Microbial barrier protection
• Optimize surgeon experience
• Embedded initiator technology to avoid clogging
• Controlled edge design
• Faster drying time
SkinStitch Excel is our next generation of new technology applied to the cyanoacrylate series that improves on butyl cyanoacrylate and octyl cyanoacrylate.

SkinStitch Excel replaces conventional medical sutures in minimally invasive surgery and incision sites by creating a thin, elastic film to protect the wounds. It minimizes the occurrence of scars from using sutures, and hypertrophic scars that might occur during the recovery period.

A Large Variety of Applications

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Frequently Asked Questions

What wounds are suitable for closure with skin adhesives?
Lacerations on the face, torso and extremities that are not greater than 3 inches in length.  SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive is especially effective in areas where scarring from conventional sutures are a concern. It should not be used on wounds located near a joint or areas that cannot be easily approximated (i.e. jagged edges), animal bites (unless thoroughly cleaned and sterilized), or dense hair growth regions.
Can I use SkinStitch or SkinSeal Medical Adhesives on a joint?
Yes, if you immobilize the joint with a splint, or tongue depressor.
May I use SkinStitch or SkinSeal Medical Adhesive on wounds larger than 3 inches?
Your health care professional may make that determination. Doctors with more experience may choose to utilize a skin adhesive on wounds longer than 3 inches. Consideration must be given to variables such as depth and location of the wound. Thus, shallow wounds and lacerations not near stress areas will likely benefit from closure with a skin adhesive alone.
May I use medical adhesive in wounds deeper than 1/16 of inch?
No, but deeper wounds may be closed with subcutaneous sutures first. This will achieve the needed strength to keep the wound closed while healing and finishing the skin surface with SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive will reduce scarring.
What are the most essential elements to remember when using a medical adhesive?
Sanitize the wound according to standard protocol. Approximate edges when wound is dry. Gently squeeze drops or a thin layer of skin adhesive beside the wound. Pull the adhesive over the wound with the applicator, as if building a bridge over the wound. Never put the adhesive in the wound. Hold for 30 seconds; apply a second coat.
Why should I put on thin layers instead of one thicker coat?
For optimum strength/performance place 2 to 3 thin overlapping layers for a stronger finished product. The edge of each new layer should overlap the previous layer. A thick coat may cause a slight burning sensation. A thick coat may also cause the adhesive bond to break down sooner.
If I make an error and glue myself to a patient, what should I do? 
Acetone (nail polish remover) is the fastest bond breaker. This should only be used on non-sensitive parts of the body. On sensitive parts, use an anti-bacterial cream.
What procedure should I use when I want to apply a medical adhesive near the eye?
SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive is especially valuable in treating wounds near the eyes because it the precision applicator/tip, but there are a few added safeguards to consider. Place the patient in a horizontal position. Have an assistant hold gauze between the eye and wound as a dam. If you do not have an assistant, use a ridge of petroleum jelly between the wound and eye. This will make it impossible for the skin adhesive to travel, or follow a crease line into the eye. Do not put petroleum jelly on any of the area next to the wound being treated, as this will prevent adhesion.
If there is an accident and the physician glues the patients eyelids shut what should they do?
An opthamologically approved antibacterial cream will loosen the bond when gently massaged on the eyelid.
What makes SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive harden when applied to the skin?
All medical adhesives in the cyanoacrylate family harden on contact with moisture. An advantage of SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive is that it hardens when it comes in contact with skin moisture. In its plastic applicator, the compound is in monomeric form, when it comes into contact with anions, especially hydroxyl ions (in the presence of water) it polymerizes.
Is SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive the same as Krazy Glue or Super Glue? 
No, Krazy Glue or Super Glue are either ethyl, or methyl cyanoacrylates. These are toxic, non-sterile products, not approved for medical use and will burn human skin when applied.
What is the most common physician error when applying medical adhesive?

There are two common errors:

The adhesive is placed in the wound, instead of beside it.

The adhesive is applied too thickly which may cause a slight burning sensation and weakens the bond.

What is the shelf life of SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive?
The shelf life of SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive is guaranteed for two years from the date of manufacture. Of course, proper storage conditions ensure shelf life. The ideal storage temperature is 72˚F/22˚C., or lower.
Does SkinStitch and SkinSeal Medical Adhesive require refrigeration?
No, room temperature is fine. However, customers in extremely warm climates should
remember that interior temperatures may rise to levels that can reduce the
shelf life of the product.

Important Documentation

Materials Safety Data Sheet